
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

DIY Large Wind Chimes

DIY Large Wind Chimes

Are you ready to make your own magical music? DIY Large Wind Chimes are the perfect way to add some peaceful and calming sounds to your outdoor space. Whether it’s a gentle breeze on a summer day, or a windy gust on a stormy night, creating your own large wind chimes is an easy and fun activity that will have you enjoying your very own customized musical masterpiece in no time. Follow this guide for all the information and tips you need to get started on your DIY journey with Large Wind Chimes!

DIY Large Wind Chimes Guide

Making large wind chimes is a fun and rewarding project that can help you customize your outdoor space with something beautiful. Plus, the sound of the chimes is sure to add some peaceful ambiance to your yard or garden. To get started on this DIY project, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Materials: Twine, fishing line or wire for hanging; rods of various lengths and thicknesses; 30-35 tubes (if making a 5-tone chime); hammer; anvil; metal file/sandpaper.
  • Tools: Drill with a 3/16 inch drill bit for making holes in the tops of your tubes.

DIY Large Wind Chimes Guide

To begin construction, start by finding the right kind of rods. You can use copper, brass, or aluminum bars that are slightly thicker than the diameter of your tube openings. For best results, make sure all rods are similar in length and thickness. Additionally, if using copper or brass rods, you’ll need to polish them so they don’t tarnish over time.

Planning & Research

Before you start a DIY project, it’s always important to do your research. Creating large wind chimes is no exception!

When starting out, decide what type of look and sound you want from your chime. This can be anything from traditional-style wind chimes made with metal pipes or bells to more modern designs such as mixed materials or glass beads. Consider the material that will best suit your desired look and sound — wood, bamboo, metal tubes, shells, bells, etc.

Next, decide on the size of your wind chime. You need to know the approximate height and width of your finished product before you purchase materials for it in order to make sure everything fits together properly.

Once you’ve got the basics down, it’s a good idea to scout out some supplies. Consider browsing your local craft stores or even online for potential materials — bells, chimes, and other decorations can be found in abundance at a variety of locations. The size of these components will determine the tone and sound that your wind chime will eventually make so take that into consideration when making choices.

Tools & Materials

Making a large wind chime can be fun and rewarding. So, what are the tools and materials you’ll need to get started? To make your own DIY Large Wind Chimes, here’s a list of essential items:

Tools & Materials

  • Hammer
  • Measuring tape
  • Drill
  • Nails or screws
  • Pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Tuning fork (for tuning your chime)
  • Metal tubes of various sizes (at least two for each note plus one extra for experimentation) so that you have enough material to create your desired sound. It is best to use metals which are inert such as stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper or titanium
  • Drill bits for drilling holes in the tubes
  • Fishing line or string
  • Decorative beads, shells or other items to hang off your wind chime (optional)

Once you have all of these materials, you are ready to get started. Now let’s learn how to make your own DIY Large Wind Chime!

Choose metal tubes or pipes to produce vibrations

When making a large wind chime, it’s important to choose metal tubes or pipes that will produce beautiful and long-lasting vibrations. The type of metal used is also important for the overall sound quality. Generally speaking, thicker metals like aluminum are best for producing deeper tones, while thinner metals like copper create higher tones. You can also experiment with different sizes and shapes of tubing to create more complex sounds. If you’re feeling creative, you can even use multiple types of metal in one wind chime! Just make sure that the tubes you choose are all made from the same type of metal so they will age at a similar rate.

Choose metal tubes or pipes to produce vibrations

It’s also a good idea to consider how the wind chime will be hung when choosing a material. Lighter metals like aluminum are best for wind chimes that will be suspended from trees or other light structures, while heavier metals like steel are better suited for hanging from walls or larger supports.

No matter what type of metal you choose, make sure to coat it with a rust-resistant finish so that the sound won’t change over time! If you plan on leaving your wind chime outside year-round, you should also consider waxing the metal tubes to protect them from the elements.

Buy synthetic cord to hold the pipes

If you’re making large wind chimes, like the ones that hang on porches and in gardens, then you will need a sturdy cord to hold them all together. Synthetic cords such as nylon work well for this purpose, and they won’t break when exposed to outdoor elements. A good place to find these is your local hardware store or home improvement center – but you can also get synthetic cords online from many online retailers. Make sure the diameter of the cord matches the size of your pipes so it can securely hold them all at once.

Pick out a wooden striker

When it comes to making a big, beautiful sounding wind chime, the striker is just as important as the tubes. The striker should be chosen carefully and can range from natural wood pieces like driftwood or wooden dowels to metal objects such as forks or spoons. Choose something that has a pleasant sound when hit against your tubes. You could also buy an already made striker piece from a craft store, or even use something you have around the house like key rings or bells! Try out different materials before you commit. Consider how much movement you want the striker to make, some materials swing more than others, and some won’t move at all! Make sure whatever material you choose is safe and won’t damage your chimes.

Once you’ve found the perfect striker, attach it to a sturdy string or rope and hang it from the bottom of your wind chime frame. You can use knots or hot glue for extra security if necessary.

Cut a wooden suspension platform that’s bigger than the striker

A wooden suspension platform is the base of your wind chime. Cut it at least two inches larger than the striker so that its shape can accommodate the striker, and other components, without any gaps. You’ll want to make sure the shape of the suspension platform is not too flat or sharp – this will help create a balanced sound. A circular platform works best for large wind chimes.

Cut a wooden suspension platform that’s bigger than the striker

Once you have the shape of your wooden suspension platform ready, drill holes in each corner (making sure they’re at least 1 inch away from any edges). These holes will be used to attach the string or chord that will hold up your wind chime components. When drilling these holes, make sure they are deep enough to fit through the string or chord but not too deep that it will weaken the wood.

Next, attach a metal loop to the center of your wooden suspension platform using screws and a drill bit. This will be used to hang up your wind chime. Make sure the metal loop is secure and sturdy – this will ensure that your wind chime can handle its components without any issues.

Pick out a block of wood for the sail

The sail is the flat, wide portion of the wind chime that catches the wind. The size, shape and material of your sail will depend on your personal preference. For a larger chime, it’s recommended to use a block of wood as opposed to metal or PVC pipe because it provides more space for decoration. You can find blocks of wood of various sizes at most home improvement stores. Talk to store associates for advice about choosing a suitable piece.

Suspension Platform

It is important to ensure that your wind chime suspension platform is secure and stable. The best way to do this is by using strong materials such as steel or aluminum, which won’t corrode or be damaged by the elements. If you’re making a suspended wind chime, then it needs to be securely fastened with screws, bolts, nails, or epoxy, depending on the type of material used for construction. You also need to make sure that the suspension platform can move freely when the wind blows. This will allow each tube to spin independently while ensuring stability and sound quality.

The configuration of your suspension platform will depend on the size and shape of your wind chimes. For example, if you’re making a larger wind chime, then it may be necessary to create multiple suspension platforms with varying levels of height. This will allow for more complex patterns and longer sounds. Finally, make sure that the material used for your suspension platform is both durable and aesthetically pleasing. After all, this is what people will see when they look at your completed wind chimes!

Suspension Platform

Mark 5 to 8 points on the base

Now that you’ve found the right base to use, it’s time to start marking out points for the chimes. Start by finding a marker with which you can mark five to eight points on your chosen base in a circle. Be sure to make note of where each point is located and how far apart they are from one another as this will be crucial later. If possible, try and space them evenly around the circumference of the base.

Drill the holes with a 1/8 inch drill bit

Once you have measured and marked the positions for your wind chime holes, it’s time to start drilling. Take your drill and make sure to use a 1/8 inch drill bit. This will create the perfect-sized hole that will allow for the correct amount of air flow and sound production. Be sure not to go too big with the size of the hole or else you’ll end up with an unconvincing tune!

As you begin drilling, be patient and take your time since this is an important step in creating the best sounding wind chime possible. If needed, measure each hole before moving on to ensure that they are all even in diameter. Once you have finished drilling all the holes, move on to the next step.

Thread the sail and striker with a piece of suspension line

If you’ve been following the instructions, you should now have a completed frame and sail for your DIY Large Wind Chime. Now it’s time to thread the sail and striker with a piece of suspension line. This will be used to hang the wind chimes from the chosen location or surface.

You’ll want to choose a durable suspension line that can handle weight and weather conditions without breaking. As mentioned previously, nautical grade rope is perfect for this purpose as it won’t rot when exposed to water or sunlight. Once you’ve got your chosen rope, measure out enough length so that you can create loops at both ends of the frame and another loop in the middle. Use a heavy-duty needle to thread the rope through the loops and secure each end with a knot.

Once you’ve got your rope threaded, it’s time to hang the wind chime in its new home. You can either tie it directly to a sturdy object or use an eye hook to suspend it from a higher surface. Make sure that the sail is facing away from the anchor point so that it will have enough clearance when swinging back and forth in the breeze.

Attach the striker to the base with cord

Attach the striker to the base with cord

The next step is to attach the striker to the base of your large wind chime. Use cord or heavy twine for this task. Starting from the top, carefully gather the cords and tie a knot around the loop at the top of the striker. Now thread them through each hole in turn, looping them around and tying them securely before moving on to the next one. Once you have tied off all four strands (or however many your design requires), bring everything back to the top and secure with another knot. You can use finishing touches such as beads or other decorations here if desired! This will also help absorb some of the vibration and sound produced when your wind chime strikes against its frame.

Once you’re finished attaching the striker, you will need to hang your wind chime. This can be done by using a hook or mounting it directly onto a wall or tree limb with nails or screws. Be sure to use galvanized hardware to ensure protection from rust and corrosion in a variety of weather conditions.

And that’s it — you’re finished! Sit back and enjoy the melodies made by the wind as your large DIY wind chime captures its beauty. You can also make adjustments later on if needed, such as trimming down the length of cords for a different pitch sound, adding extra pieces for more volume, or changing out strikers for something completely new. Regardless of how you choose to customize your unique creation, just remember to have fun and experiment with different designs to see just what you can come up with.

Making the Chimes

Making the chimes is an easy and enjoyable process! Here are some of the steps required:

1. Gather Your Supplies

First, you’ll need to collect all of your supplies. This includes things like bamboo rods, fishing line, hooks, corks, beads or bells, and any other decorations you’d like. Make sure to measure each rod so that they’re all an equal length for uniformity when hanging them up!

2. Cut the Bamboo Rods

Once you have all of your supplies gathered together, it’s time to start cutting the bamboo rods into their desired lengths. Depending on how big you want your wind chime to be, you can adjust the lengths accordingly.

3. Attach the Hooks

Next, attach hooks to each of the bamboo rods so that they can hang properly from a line or frame. This is done by drilling small holes into the top and bottom of each rod and then looping fishing line through them. Make sure to tie several knots for extra security!

Attach the Hooks

4. Add Decorative Elements

Finally, it’s time to add some fun decorative elements to your wind chime! You can use things like corks, beads, bells, shells, or any other item that will make a nice sound when the wind blows. Simply attach these items with fishing lines or ribbons and you’re good to go!

Plan the tones that you want

When making your own large wind chimes, one of the most important aspects is carefully planning what type of tone you want to create from the chimes. This should be done before purchasing any materials or starting construction.

The sound you are looking for will depend on how big the wind chime tubes are and which material they’re made from. For example, a copper tube will produce a much mellower sound when struck than an aluminium tube will. Plus, the size of the tube can also affect its range and pitch. The bigger the tube, typically the lower its pitch and vice versa – smaller tubes tend to produce higher pitched tones.

Furthermore, if you plan on having several different sized tubes in your chime, it’s important to think about how they will interact with each other. This will allow you to create a unique and beautiful chiming sound.

Cut the chimes using a pipe cutter, hacksaw, or hand saw

Once you have determined the length of your chimes, you need to cut them. Depending on the material of the pipes, you can either use a pipe cutter or a hacksaw/hand saw. When cutting with a pipe cutter, make sure that you turn the blade around the pipe in one direction and keep it tight against the pipe while turning it. If using a hand saw, always follow safety guidelines and secure your workpiece to ensure accurate cuts. Use a ruler or tape measure to mark where each chime should be cut for accuracy.

Also, wear protective gear like gloves and eyewear when using power tools – better safe than sorry! Once all of your pieces are cut correctly, they are ready for assembly.

Sand the edges to get rid of sharp points

Sanding the edges of your wind chimes is an important step to ensure that all the parts are smooth and won’t cause any harm. Use fine-grit sandpaper, such as 150 or 220 grit, to lightly sand down each piece of wood. The sand slowly and carefully so you don’t end up with any scratches or gouges in the wood. Keep checking every few minutes until all the sharp points have been smoothed away.

Drill holes into the top of the pipes

Once you have your pipes sorted, it’s time to make them into wind chimes. To start with, you’ll need to drill a hole near the top of each pipe. This is where you’ll insert the hook that will connect all the pipes together.

Drill holes into the top of the pipes

To ensure that your holes are even and properly sized, mark out their positions first using a marker pen or similar before setting up the drill bit for the job. You can use either a manual hand-held drill or an electric power drill for this – whichever suits your needs best. Make sure you use an appropriate size and type of bit for your chosen material – check online if unsure which one is suitable for metal pipes.

Tie each chime below the suspension platform

Now that you have all your pieces together, it’s time to start assembling them! Start by taking a chime and tying it below the suspension platform. Use a sturdy rope for this step as you’ll be relying on it to keep the chime in place. Make sure to tie knots that won’t come undone easily. Once you’ve finished securing the first chime, move onto the next one and repeat until all of your chimes are attached. When done correctly, they should hang evenly so that when the wind blows, they make beautiful music together![1]

Making the Top Support, Striker & Wind Sail

Once you have the materials, it’s time to put them together. Start by building a top support for your wind chime. This can be done by drilling two holes through the top of your PVC pipe or wooden dowel and threading a piece of string or twine through them. Tie a knot at each end so that the string is securely fastened. Then attach one end of the string to your top support with a couple of screws, and secure the other end to the ceiling joist, making sure it’s level and straight.

Next, create your striker – this will be what makes all those beautiful chimes when the wind blows! To do this, tie an eye hook into one side of your metal tube and hang it off one of the strings on your top support. This will be the part that moves and creates sound when the wind catches it.

Finally, make your wind sail – this will be what collects all the wind and directs it towards your striker! To do this, tie a piece of twine or string around the circumference of your metal or PVC pipe. Attach eye hooks to each end to hang them from the top support so that they move freely in the breeze. Make sure that these are balanced evenly so that they catch air from every direction when you hang them up.



Painting and coloring your wind chimes is a great way to add more color and character to them. You can use spray paint, acrylic paint, or even fabric paint depending on the material of your chime. Consider adding special details like stencils or glitter to make it stand out. If you’re feeling really creative, try painting each part in a different color and pattern for an extra pop of personality! Once you’ve finished painting, be sure to let the chime dry completely before attaching it together with string or wire. For some extra protection against the elements, consider sealing the paint by spraying on a clear coat of polyurethane varnish. This will give your wind chime a longer life and protect it from the elements.


Now that you’ve gathered all the materials, it’s time to assemble your large wind chime!

First, tie a knot at the bottom of each tube. This will be where they hang from the frame or anchor point. Make sure that these knots are sturdy and durable enough to handle any weather conditions you may experience in your area.

Next, measure and cut pieces of string to attach each tube to one another. A good rule of thumb is to leave 1-2 inches between each tube for the best sound quality, but if you prefer something more spaced out feel free to adjust accordingly. Once all tubes are attached together with string, use a screwdriver or drill bit (depending on what type of frame you’ve chosen) to attach the tubes to the frame.

Once all tubes are attached, tie a sturdy knot at the top of each tube and hang them from your anchor point. Make sure all knots are tight and secure so they don’t come undone in windy conditions. For extra security, consider adding a dab of glue or nail polish to each knot. [2]

This is it: your beautiful DIY large wind chime is now ready! All that’s left is to sit back and enjoy its lovely sound as the wind carries it across the air – what could be better? Enjoy!


What is the best material for DIY large wind chimes?

The best materials for making DIY large wind chimes are metal and wood. Metal is sturdy, durable, and has a pleasant sound when struck by the wind. Wood is lightweight, easy to shape, and has a softer tone. Both of these materials can give your wind chimes a unique look and sound. [3]

How do you make a loud wind chime?

Making a loud wind chime is easy with the right supplies and techniques. Here are some tips to help you create a loud, beautiful wind chime that will make your yard sing:

  1. Start by gathering the materials you need for your project. You’ll need metal tubes or pipes of different lengths (the longer ones will make lower tones), string or wire, and something to hang the pipes such as pieces of wood or strong rope.
  2. Choose a frame that will be sturdy enough to hold all of the pipes securely in place while still allowing them to move freely in the breeze. You can use wood, PVC pipe, metal brackets, or any other material that fits your design preference.
  3. Measure and cut the pipes to your desired length, making sure that they are all similar in size and shape so they create a pleasing sound when the wind blows through them. You can also use an existing frame or structure to help hold the pipes in place if you don’t want to construct one yourself.
  4. Attach the string or wire to each pipe securely at either end. Make sure it is tied tightly enough that it won’t come loose while still allowing for some movement as the wind passes through.
  5. Hang the pipes from your chosen frame using pieces of strong rope or twine, making sure there is space between each one for air to move freely through them as the wind blows.
  6. Finally, hang your frame in a spot where it will be exposed to the wind and enjoy the beautiful sound of your homemade wind chime! [4]

That’s all there is to making a loud wind chime! With a few simple supplies and some patience, you’ll have a gorgeous piece that adds both beauty and music to your outdoor space.

What is the best pipe for wind chimes?

The best pipe for wind chimes is one that is made of metal, such as aluminum or steel. It should be large enough to make a deep and resonant sound but not so heavy that it will have difficulty hanging from its hanger. Additionally, the material should be weather resistant so it can withstand the outdoor elements without rusting or corroding. Finally, it should also be a size that works well with the design of the chime you are attempting to create. You may want to experiment by buying several different types of pipes to find out which one works best for your particular project.

Be sure to check local hardware stores and craft supply retailers for an array of available pipes in various sizes, shapes, and materials. Many stores will also carry wind chime kits that come with ready-to-use components including the pipe, hanger, and clapper. This is a great option for those starting out in this project as it simplifies the process of gathering materials.[5]

No matter what type of pipe you choose, it must be securely hung from its hanger using strong rope or twine to ensure that it remains stable in windy conditions. Additionally, any sharp edges should be sanded off or covered by tape to prevent injury while hanging the chimes. With a little patience and creativity on your part, you’ll soon have a unique piece of art created by your own two hands!

Are wind chimes hard to make?

Making wind chimes may seem like a complicated task, but it’s not. All you need is some basic materials and tools, plus some patience for assembly. With the right supplies and instructions in hand, you’ll have your own personalized wind chime up and running in no time!

Wind chimes can be made from any material with a pleasing sound when struck by the breeze – common types of wind chimes include metal tubes, ceramic plates, wooden blocks or discs. The size of the objects will determine how big or small your finished product will be. You can also choose to add bells, beads or jingle rings to create an extra-jazzy effect!

The most important part of making a wind chime is the assembly. You’ll need to connect your items together securely – whether you choose to do this with wire, twine or even decorative ribbons. When connecting metal tubes, we recommend using small bolts and nuts to ensure that the chime won’t come apart in strong winds! Make sure to leave enough slack so that the tubes have room to move freely when a breeze strikes them.

Your wind chime can also be hung with a variety of materials – traditional rope is great, but if you want something more colorful and durable then paracord could be an excellent choice.

No matter what materials you choose for your DIY wind chime project, it’s important to take care when assembling it and hanging it up. With a bit of patience and the right supplies, you can make a beautiful wind chime that will bring peace and joy to your home or garden.

Useful Video: Fence Post Wind Chimes


When it comes to DIY Large Wind Chimes, you can be as creative and imaginative as you want. From the materials and shapes to the colors and sizes, there are a lot of potential combinations that can be made with this unique craft. With a little know-how and some patience, you can customize your own wind chime that will bring enjoyment for years to come. Hang it up in your garden or inside your home – wherever you decide to display it, these homemade wind chimes are sure to make a statement! So get out there and craft something special today! Good luck!


  1. https://www.wikihow.com/Build-and-Tune-a-Wind-Chime
  2. https://www.instructables.com/DIY-Outdoor-EMT-Wind-Chimes/
  3. https://www.onlinemetals.com/en/diy-metal-wind-chimes
  4. https://happygardens.com/blogs/news/how-to-make-wind-chimes-louder
  5. https://backyardscape.com/the-best-pipe-for-wind-chimes/